According to, American households that currently have credit card debt hold an average balance exceeding $10,000. This statistic is troubling enough without realizing America’s younger generation is a significant contributor. The average college senior now graduates with more than $20,000 in debt, over $4,000 on their credit cards. People... Read More
Roberto is driving down State Street at 10:45 pm. It’s Friday night and he just left his job as a custodian at the local community college. On his way home, Roberto drove past a few well known bars. The bars were busy and the police patrol around these bars on... Read More
If you have been a victim of a crime, you could qualify for what’s called a U Visa, which allows you to have a work permit to work legally in the U.S. It is important to note that if you are approved for a U Visa, you are not considered... Read More
In October 2011, Senators Charles Schumer (D. N.Y.) and Mike Lee (R. UT) proposed a bill to stimulate property sales by giving visas to foreign nationals seeking to invest in the slumping U.S. real estate market. To date, there is no indication as to whether or not this bill will... Read More
Thưa Luật sư, Tôi có 2 căn nhà, 1 căn ở Utah và 1 căn ở Cali. Tôi không trả nổi tiền nợ căn nhà ở Cali nên bỏ căn nhà đó cho nhà bank kéo luôn. Vậy nhà bank của căn nhà ở Cali có thể nào siết nợ... Read More
HB 497 was set to go into effect on May 11, 2010. This law would require state and local police the authority to verify the immigration status of a person arrested for a felony or a class A misdemeanor and a person booked for class B or C misdemeanors. It... Read More
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